
Jul 15

#IDFridays Week 21: Elizabethkingia

This rare disease was discovered 11 years ago and not much is known about it Name Elizabethkingia (named after Elizabeth O. King, the scientist who discovered the bacteria in 2005) Transmission Elizabethkingia anophelis is a type of bacteria usually found in the environment (soil and water) and also in mosquitoes The... read more →
Jul 08

#IDFridays Week 20: Rabies

Wild animals and even your beloved pets can infect you with rabies, a disease that is nearly 100% fatal Name Rabies Transmission A disease caused by the rabies virus The virus is most often transmitted through the bite of an infected animal when the infected animal saliva enters the human... read more →
Jul 01

#IDFridays Week 19: Madura Foot

Very little is known about this disease which destroys skin, flesh, and bones Name Madura foot (also known as mycetoma) The disease was first reported in the mid-19th century in the Indian town of Madura, which is where it gets its name Transmission A chronic, progressively destructive disease affecting the... read more →
Jun 29
Jun 29
Jun 24

#IDFridays Week 18: Yaws

This tropical disease affects the skin and bones and the spiral bacteria that cause it are closely related to the bacteria that cause the sexually transmitted disease syphilis Name Yaws Transmission Yaws is part of a group of chronic bacterial infections called treponematoses The sexually transmitted disease syphilis is also part... read more →
Jun 23
Jun 22
Jun 17

#IDFridays Week 17: Guinea Worm Disease

These parasitic worms are known as “fiery serpents” for the sensation they cause Name Guinea Worm Disease (also known as dracunculiasis) Transmission The disease is caused by a parasite – a worm known as the Guinea worm which is transmitted to humans through contaminated drinking water When someone drinks from a source... read more →
Jun 16