Most people know this condition by its popular names pink eye and Apollo, but did you know there are many things that cause it? Name Conjunctivitis also known as apollo,... read more →
The world has almost eliminated polio which has no cure and can permanently cripple or kill you Name Polio (full name: poliomyelitis) Transmission A highly infectious disease caused by a... read more →
Today, October 15th is Global Handwashing Day! To celebrate, we partnered with Ikeja Electric and Kleanmate to visit 6 schools and had more than 1,100 students all over Lagos state... read more →
Did you know eating too much raw cassava can paralyze you and affect your memory? Name Konzo (means “bound legs” in the Yaka language) aka mantakassa Transmission Though it is... read more →
Known as crypto, this is a diarrheal disease caused by microscopic parasites Name Cryptosporidiosis aka crypto Transmission A contagious diarrheal disease caused by parasites called Cryptosporidium The parasites live in water, food,... read more →
This disease is named for the Rift Valley in Kenya where it was discovered ame Rift Valley fever Transmission A severe mosquito-borne disease that primarily affects animals but can also... read more →
Last week we attended the Future of Health Conference 2016 in Abuja, Nigeria. The theme this year was Health Meets Tech so attendees included everyone from health practitioners and government to tech... read more →
Scabies, also known as the seven-year itch, is caused by a parasite that buries itself in your skin Name Scabies aka the seven-year itch (this nickname comes from the fact... read more →
We’ve already defined “preparedness” for infectious disease outbreaks so now that we know what it is, the question is should countries prepare? And if so, how? Let’s start with some reasons why... read more →
On Thursday we attended a lecture and award presentation for Dr. Ernest Madu, a Nigerian clinician and leader in global health. Hosted by the University of Pennsylvania’s newly launched Center... read more →