Despite today’s rainy weather, we made it to Stadium Senior High School in Surulere, Lagos for another #ItStartsWithMe campaign school visit. Instead of meeting with the entire school in an assembly, we held a small session with class prefects and senior students to review our health and hygiene content. As we usually... read more →
Today we attended the first inaugural Young Reader’s Literary Morning which brought together 200 primary school students from all over Lagos. The event was hosted by Mango Books/Quramo Publishing Limited and the focus was to promote reading and writing among children. At DRASA we know how closely tied education and... read more →
This bacteria produces a poison that can spread around the body Name Diphtheria Transmission An infection caused by the Corynebacterium diphtheriae bacteria People become infected through direct physical contact with an infected person: Inhaling respiratory droplets from the infected person coughing or sneezing Touching open sores/skin lesions of an infected person (rare)... read more →
First discovered in Nigeria, the symptoms of this disease can seem similar to Ebola Name Lassa fever Transmission An infectious haemorrhagic virus which lives in the Mastomys or multimammate rat People become infected mostly through direct contact with infected rats or through food or household items contaminated with infected rodent feces/urine Person-to-person transmission... read more →
This disease can make your limbs look like the legs of an elephant Name Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis Transmission An infectious tropical disease caused by three types of filarial parasites (thread-like roundworms) These microscopic worms live in the lymphatic system for an average of 5–8 years and disrupt the... read more →
There are six different types of meningitis and all have the potential to kill Name Meningitis. The six types are: Bacterial Viral Fungal Parasitic Amoebic Non-infectious In this post, we are focusing on a type of bacterial meningitis called meningococcal meningitis Transmission Meningitis is a serious infection of the thin... read more →
This virus is spread through the same mosquitoes that carry Zika and Dengue Name Chikunguya (in the Kimakonde language of Tanzania and Mozambique, “chikungunya” means “to become contorted” which describes patients who are bent over from severe joint pain, one of the symptoms) Transmission The virus is transmitted to humans through infected mosquitoes Mosquitoes become infected when they... read more →
Another week, another #ItStartsWithMe school visit! Today we went to Ayetoro Senior Grammar School in Ebute-Metta, Lagos. At this rate, we’re going to have students all across Lagos washing their hands and practicing good hygiene. And here are the students singing another one of our favourite handwashing songs! The lyrics are written... read more →
Surpassing malaria, dengue is the fastest growing mosquito-borne disease in the world Name Dengue Transmission A disease caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses The viruses are transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito It occasionally develops into a potentially lethal complication called severe... read more →
Today we visited another school for the #ItStartsWithMe campaign! This time it was Lagos City Senior College in Yaba, Lagos. During our talk with the students we discussed the most important times to wash their hands and the things they need to wash properly. Through our interactive demonstration, students saw how easily they... read more →