Today we visited Eletu Odibo Senior High School in Yaba, Lagos. The purpose of the visit was to teach students when and how to properly wash their hands, speak to students about the importance of personal hygiene for health, and distribute products which Unilever Nigeria donated to DRASA.
The school administration called an assembly and once all the students were gathered, DRASA staff began the session.
We called for 4 student volunteers who helped with the handwashing demonstration. We used coloured chalk to show how germs spread between students when they touch each other and we even sang a handwashing song with them! Here’s the video:
Before we left, we made sure to speak to students about maintaining good hygiene habits and becoming ambassadors within their own families and communities. We also visited their classrooms and distributed some products:
Check the gallery below to see more pictures from the Eletu Odibo Senior High School visit.