Known as crypto, this is a diarrheal disease caused by microscopic parasites
Cryptosporidiosis aka crypto
- A contagious diarrheal disease caused by parasites called Cryptosporidium
- The parasites live in water, food, soil, and on skin and contaminated surfaces
- Once they enter a human or animal, they live in the digestive system
- A single bowel movement from an infected person can release 10,000,000 to 100,000,000 Crypto germs
- The parasites spread when people and things come in contact with the feces of humans or animals infected with the parasite (drinking contaminated water or ice, touching contaminated surfaces, eating undercooked or unpasteurized food, etc.)
- Between 2001–2010, Cryptosporidiosis was the leading cause of recreational waterborne disease outbreaks in the US
Incubation Period
2 – 10 days after infection
Signs and Symptoms
- Watery diarrhea
- Weight loss
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Stomach pain
- Stomach cramps
- Dehydration
- Nausea
Laboratory examination of stool/feces samples
- Most people with healthy immune systems recover without treatment
- Anti-diarrheal medicine and rehydration may help speed the recovery process
- Anti-parasitic medications are sometimes given to reduce symptoms
- For generally healthy people, symptoms usually last 1 to 2 weeks
- Sometimes symptoms can recur for up to 30 days
- For people with other conditions or weakened immune systems (AIDS, cancer, transplants, etc.) the disease can affect the digestive and respiratory tracts and can lead to a serious, chronic, and sometimes fatal illness
Prevention: What Can You Do?
Wash your hands and maintain good hygiene behaviors
Cryptosporidiosis In the News