Today we attended the opening of the rehabilitated Ikola Primary Health Centre (PHC) by Japanese Ambassador Yutaka Kikuta. The Japanese Embassy collaborated with the local Street2School Initiative on this project.
Before this health centre was rehabilitated, more than 250,000 people in the community had no access to healthcare services.
Street2School Initiative’s Founder Ms. Tosin Taiwo said, “When children in the community fall sick, they resort to traditional herbs and they do not help. Consequently, they miss out from school.”
The impact of opening the rehabilitated health center is clear.

The support of the Japanese Embassy provided Ikola PHC with important items such as medical equipment, office furniture, and a generator.
Their rehabilitation of the PHC also included the innovative use of mosquito repellant paint on the walls to help protect patients from malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases.

The goal is to provide 24 hour healthcare to the community.

We congratulate the Street2School Initiative and the Japanese Embassy on their collaboration to improve health and save lives in this formerly neglected community and look forward to supporting them in maintaining the health of local residents.